作者:黃有豪博士東華學院人文學院助理教授 幼兒與生俱來對事物充滿好奇心,從出生的那一刻起就是人類行為的一部分,是「萌發中…
Author: Mary Ann HOODSenior Lecturer, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education Have you ever wondered when your baby will recognise and know their own name? A baby’s name is one of the first very special gifts that they receive from their families. All cultures have practices or traditions about the naming of a baby.
Author: Mary Ann HOODSenior Lecturer, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education A baby’s emotional development can be supported through reading even before birth. Yes, you read correctly. An unborn baby can already hear sounds from around 20 weeks and they can hear the soothing sounds of the voice of someone reading to them, even
Reading Feelings: Emotional Development and Literacy 了解更多
Author: Ms Esther ChongLecturer at Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education Toddlers taking their first steps are natural explorers. Free exploration and play are the best ways for toddlers aged 13 to 22 months to learn, and undoubtedly, parents who spend time with them are their best playmates. Parents can support their children’s exploration
Integrating STEM Learning into Toddlers’ Daily Lives – Exploring “Water” 了解更多
Author: Ms Ruoyu WenLecturer, Yew Chung College of Early Chi…
STEM Exploration for Infants and Toddlers – Building Blocks 了解更多
We all know how important mathematics is and research tells us that it is essential to all learning, for example language and social and emotional development. Along with the importance of mathematics we also hear about it being difficult to master…some people even develop a fear of mathematics.
Toddlers and Mathematics – How to add this up! 了解更多
Author: Qing LIU Assistant Professor, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education In this age of civilization, it is already common knowledge for both parents and teachers that story-reading is critical for the upbringing of babies and toddlers. Almost all parents have heard of the wonders reading with your child could bring. Enhancing language development,
Author: Ms Ruoyu Wen,Lecturer at Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education Infants and toddlers are often exposed to light and shadows from birth. They become aware of the significance of light and are curious about how light affects their bodies and the presence of shadows. Therefore, parents can support infants and toddlers in exploring
STEM Exploration for Infants and Toddlers: Light and Shadow 了解更多