作者:蔡綺文心理輔導學家 幼兒一般都容易分心,對身邊許多的事物都有興趣,但專注力低,總不能專心做好一件事。當孩子漸漸達到…
Author: Dr. Sandra TsangAssociate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration Ching Fun, a three-year-old, is the apple of Mr. and Mrs. Fan’s eyes. Mr. Fan works at a bank, while Mrs. Fan has been a full-time caregiver for Ching Fun, since her birth, constantly by her side. Their parent-child relationship is very close.
Preparing Young Children for Separation 了解更多
Author: Mary Ann HOODSenior Lecturer, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education A baby’s emotional development can be supported through reading even before birth. Yes, you read correctly. An unborn baby can already hear sounds from around 20 weeks and they can hear the soothing sounds of the voice of someone reading to them, even
Reading Feelings: Emotional Development and Literacy 了解更多
Author: Mel WAGENAAREducational psychologist, teacher and mother, South Africa Play is serious business – that sounds rather confusing, doesn’t it? Because at face value, play means being playful and spontaneous and having fun: how then can this noun/verb then mean a serious activity? This is where a mind-shift needs to occur, and one needs to think
Learn To Play or Play to Learn? 了解更多
Author: Karen KEI Speech and Language Therapist Children spend most of their time playing and exploring. Play is how children learn about the world. It gives children an opportunity to understand the world around them as well as to practice how to interact and socialise with others. Every time a child plays, they learn something
The power of play and early language 了解更多