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自由玩耍與散件遊戲 3 – 啟發可持續的遊戲

Author: Betty YauPrincipal, Fairchild Nursery and Kindergarten Today we are all more conscious of our impact on the world – how do we ensure the efficient use of resources for the future of our children?  As the United Nations promotes the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for a better future ...

Free Play with Loose Parts 2  – Inspiring Play for Infants and Toddlers

Author: Betty YauPrincipal, Fairchild Nursery and Kindergarten Loose parts and young children?  You may think that it may not be the safest thing to allow very young children access to loose parts.  Of course, adult supervision is still very important when children are playing with loose parts, however, when infants ...

Free Play with Loose Parts 1 – Inspiring Play for Children

Author: Betty YauPrincipal, Fairchild Nursery and Kindergarten Are you ever surprised at how children love to play with the simplest of materials such as cardboard boxes or paper tubes rather than the contents of a box housing a new toy? Children naturally gravitate towards objects which pique their interest and ...

A Word on Vocabulary Learning

Author: Annie NGSpeech and Language Therapist Vocabulary lea…

The Meaning of Parenthood

Author: Dr. Amelia N.Y. Lee, MHAssociate Dean (Programme Development) and Head of Early Childhood and Elementary Education Earlier, I had a gathering with some university classmates, where we shared updates about our families and showed care for one another, chatting about work, children, and other topics. Suddenly, someone laughed and ...

Finger Food or Utensils? WHY NOT BOTH?!

Author: Krista Law So ManKindergarten Principal “Sweetie, don’t touch your food. Use your spoon!”  If you’re a parent or caregiver, you’ve likely uttered these words countless times during mealtime. As moms, dads, and caregivers, we strive to foster manners and cleanliness in our little ones.  We want them to grow ...

“Baby Puffs Picking Olympics: Training Tiny Fingers for the Pincer Grasp Championship!”

Author: Krista Law So ManKindergarten Principal In a high chair, a chubby 7-month-old baby sits, his tiny plate contained a couple baby puffs.  With a mix of determination and curiosity, he extends his hand in an attempt to pick up a puff.  However, his inexperienced little palm fails him, and ...

Nurturing Gross Motor Skills and Health in Babies and Toddlers: The Power of Outdoor Exploration, Rest, and Active Engagement

Author: Krista Law So ManKindergarten Principal As babies and toddlers grow and develop, their gross motor skills play a vital role in their overall health and well-being.  Encouraging physical activity, providing opportunities for outdoor exploration, and actively engaging with them are essential for their growth and development. In this article, ...

The Power of Daily Tasks: Fostering Gross and Fine Motor Skills in Children

Author: Krista Law So ManKindergarten Principal As parents, we have the privilege of witnessing our children’s growth and development every day.  However, it’s easy to overlook the small milestones and fail to realize just how much progress they have made.  By actively involving children in daily tasks and gradually offering ...

Embracing Messy Exploration: Nurturing Cognitive Development in Babies and Infants

Author: Krista Law So ManKindergarten Principal Parenting is a remarkable journey filled with joy, challenges, and endless learning opportunities.  As parents, we strive to provide the best care and create a safe environment for our children. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating realm of baby and infant ...

The Role of Play and Safe Spaces in Babies’ and Toddlers’ Cognitive Development

Author: Krista Law So ManKindergarten Principal Play, the magical realm where imagination thrives, is not only a source of joy for babies and toddlers but also a powerful catalyst for their cognitive development.  As parents and caregivers, we have the incredible opportunity to create safe spaces where our little ones ...


作者:沈愛道女士 (教育心理學家) 在育兒過程中,採用預防性和主動性的策略可以幫助家長更有效地引導孩子的行為,並促進「恩…

如何做到恩威並重的教養:教養招數 (下)

作者:沈愛道女士 (教育心理學家) 第三招:轉向技巧 當孩子的不當行為是出於對環境的好奇,或者當預計到孩子將出現不當行為…

如何做到恩威並重的教養:教養招數 (上)

作者:沈愛道女士 (教育心理學家) 在育兒的旅程中,面對幼兒的無窮精力和好奇心,家長經常需要找到有效的方式來引導他們的行…

三個思維調整 , 讓育兒過程變得更順暢

作者:沈愛道女士 (教育心理學家) 面對幼兒具有挑戰性的行為,家長的情緒和反應經常受到考驗 。在能夠有效而冷靜地實施育兒…


作者:沈愛道女士 (教育心理學家) 在育兒過程中,家長難免為阻止孩子的哭鬧和不當行為而採取「打駡」和「懲罰」的方式,認為…


作者:特殊幼兒教師陳淑芬女士 但在成長過程中,聆聽是吸收知識及學習各樣技能的基礎。幼兒在不同的生活環境均需要跟從各種指令…


作者:余思湉註冊職業治療師 香港的生活環境一般較為細小,家長的工作時間亦較長,幼兒能到公園或較空曠地方玩耍的機會相對較少…


作者:註冊營養師陳國賓 食物的顏色與其營養成分息息相關, 當中橙色或橙黃色的食物算是顏色與營養素互相關連的代表者。食物的…


作者:註冊營養師陳國賓 幼兒需要進食充足蛋白質及熱量應付發育所需外, 亦要攝取足夠膳食纖維維持腸道健康。膳食纖維素來自植…

Three Activities You are Probably Already Doing to Support Your Child’s Cognitive Development

Author: Annie NGSpeech and Language Therapist Cognitive skills are the functions your brain needs to complete everyday tasks. These functions include the ability to pay attention, to process and store information, and to plan and learn. They are not ‘actual knowledge’ but are skills we need in order to interact ...

Help Me Follow My Child’s Lead in Play

Author: Annie NGSpeech and Language Therapist In the previous article, we talked about what child-led and parent-led play approaches are like. In this article, we will go over some tips and tricks for the application of child-led play. Some things to do or think about when following your child’s lead ...

Child-Led Play and Parent-Led Play

Author: Annie NGSpeech and Language Therapist When children play, there is probably one main thing they are after – FUN! But when we observe children in their play, we are probably hoping that they get more than fun out of their play time – we want to be able to ...

A Deeper Understanding of Play

Author: Annie NGSpeech and Language Therapist If you are asked to describe how your child plays, you will probably think of how his play differs from day to day. One day, he might be playing with a cardboard box quietly by himself. The next day, he might be insistent on ...

How Play Supports Your Child Now and Years to Come

Author: Annie NGSpeech and Language Therapist How we define play and how ‘play’ actually looks might be different from child to child, from family to family. But we can probably all agree that play involves a great deal of fun. While we often picture a room full of toys when ...

如何烹調肉食, 協助食物吸收?

作者:註冊營養師陳國賓 食物的消化及吸收相當重要; 若果進食營養豐富的肉食, 但身體無法消化、分解, 腸道無辦法吸收養分…

Self-concept in infants aged 0-1 years: Starting from exploring the body

Author: Ms. Gigi Pang (Counseling Psychologist) Around 2 to 3 months after birth, babies begin to enjoy sucking their fingers, which may worry some parents. Aside from hygiene concerns, they may also worry that the child will have difficulty quitting this habit later on. Sucking is a natural instinct for ...


作者:註冊營養師陳國賓 過年期間,家長和小朋友經常外出用膳或探訪親友,進食大量肉食,同時食無定時,或會令小朋友增加腸胃不…


作者:註冊營養師陳國賓 賀年菜色多以肉食、海鮮為主材料, 蔬菜部分主要作為襯托, 特別是海產餸菜, 甚至採用蔬菜食材, …

Vision and Learning

Author: Vanessa ThaiDevelopmental and Behavioural OptometristCentral Health Southside – Child Development Team Learning difficulties are caused by problems with how the brain processes visual or auditory information. Children with limited environmental experiences or deficiencies in the visual system may exhibit abnormal development of vision, which can impact their ability to ...
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