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Play and Social Development Milestones

Play and Social Development Milestones

A: Babies can play at any age. Babies start to get interested in his/her environment from 3 months onwards by kicking, waving their arms or making noises when they hear something.

A: Spend at least 15-20 minutes each day to play and interact with your child. Play can take place anywhere and anytime as long as it is fun and engaging. You can also play with or without toys.

A: Help your child to listen by minimising background noise. Get face-to-face and call his name. Give them praise when they look up and make eye contact.

A: Get close and make sure they can see your face. Play ‘peek-a-boo’ or tickling game.

A: It is totally normal and expected for a child under 2 years old to be playing on their own. By 24 months, children begin to show interest in other’s play and will try to join in.

A: Watching other children play is a part of a child’s development. Give them enough time and space to process and get comfortable being around other children.

A: Use visual cues or pointing to indicate whose turn it is. Model turn taking by saying ‘It’s Jasmine’s turn’, ‘Now it’s Sam’s turn’.

A: Get them involved in daily routines such as preparing a meal and cleaning.

A: Set up regular playdates and encourage your child to join in as much as possible.  You can ask your child to bring their favourite toy or food and share with others.

A: Practice playing in a small group. Join in and explain what is happening.