1000 FAQ

How should I choose toys for my child?

How should I choose toys for my child?

A: Play is a crucial part of child development because it contributes to their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth.

A: Not necessarily. Most battery-powered toys are very entertaining, but not always educational. Typically, the more your child uses their mind and body to explore, operate and problem-solve in the play process, the more learning opportunities the toy is offering them.

A: Toys that claim the different kinds of skills they promote have not necessarily been proven to be true. You should go by your child’s interests and developmental stage when purchasing a toy.

A: For example, if your child has developed or is soon to develop their pincer grasp, then a toy that encourages this fine motor skill is appropriate. If your child is interested in animals, perhaps a toy vet kit would be nice to add to the toy collection.

A: Despite what the world of marketing is trying to tell you, you don’t need to constantly buy new toys for your child. That said, you can intentionally choose toys that will grow with them.

A: They are toys that can be played with multiple ways.

A: Some examples are building toys, food toys, animals, figurines, balls and craft supplies.

A: Instead of making every toy available to your child, select a few of them to display in the play area and put the rest away. Rotate the toys on display every other week or so.

A: Independent play should be balanced with play opportunities with others. If a toy is taking away your child’s desire to play with others, you may need to think of strategies to incorporate more group play or social play in the week.

A: Get involved in the play with your child! Play with them instead of just asking them to play with their toys. How you play with your child can make the biggest difference in their engagement and learning!