Our previous public talk was very well received. Thank you once again for your support! May we give you a Christmas present in return, and that will be the last public talk this year. The JC Bright Start project will launch the fourth Public Talk to talk about social emotional learning of infants and toddlers. Prof CHAN from Tung Wah College will share with us tips to handle emotion or behavioural issues of children. Parents and Child Care Workers are welcome to join.
Date: 17 December 2022 (Sat)
Time: 10:00am-12:00noon
Format: Online
Topic: Cultivating Parents’ Empathy and Compassion; Supporting Children’s Social and Emotional Competence
Language: Cantonese
Speaker: Prof Alex CHAN (Dean, School of Arts and Humanities, Tung Wah College)
Registration: https://forms.gle/SghKUHjeggEfS5uL9
Parents will learn how to cultivate and practice empathy and compassion in everyday life to facilitate positive parent-child communication, understand the social emotional needs of their children, and support the development of their children’s social and emotional competence.

Prof Alex CHAN
Professor Alex Chan is the Dean of School of Arts and Humanities at Tung Wah College. He specializes in developing parent-based intervention and training programmes to empower parents with skills in scaffolding parenting and strength-based parenting as well as to enhance their empathy and compassion for supporting their young children’s development of social and emotional competence and executive function skills.