
Essential Nutrients for Growth from 0 to 3 years – Public Talk

We once again thank you all for your support! The Jockey Club “Bright Start” Project will continue to provide the ...

Common Childhood Communicable Diseases During Winter

Entering into the new year, we once again thank you all for your support! “JC Bright Start” project will continue ...

Facilitating Social and Emotional Development in the Infant and Toddler Stage

The 7th “Public Talk” of the JC Bright Start Project will invite Dr. Amelia NY Lee, the Associate Dean (Programme ...

Nurturing Children of Different Temperaments

Our last talk was very well received! Once again thank you all for your support. The 7th “Public Talk” of ...

Good Practices in Cross Generational Child Care – Public Talk

Our last talk was very well received! Once again thank you all for your support. The 6th “Public Talk” of ...

(1) Common Childhood Allergies / (2) Understand the developmental needs of children from the common emotional and behavioural issues of infants and young children – Public Talk

Our last talk was very well received! Thank you again for your support! The 5th “Public Talk” of the JC ...

Cultivating Parents’ Empathy and Compassion; Supporting Children’s Social and Emotional Competence – Public Talk

Our previous public talk was very well received. Thank you once again for your support! May we give you a ...

Second Language Development in Infants and toddlers: The Role of Parents and Teachers – Public Talk

Thank you for your support! We understand from the previous talk on kindergarten readiness that parents are concerned about children’s ...

Kindergarten Readiness – Public Talk

The first Public Talk of the Jockey Club “Bright Start” Project was well received. A big thank you to all ...

Common Infectious Disease of Infants and Toddlers – Public Talk

賽馬會幼兒「喜步」計劃由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金撥款捐助,香港基督教服務處 策劃,耀中幼教學院推動及監督,並夥拍香港聖公會…