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Montessori Education – Misconception: How Adults Should “Follow the Child”?

Montessori Education - Misconception: How Adults Should "Follow the Child"?

A: To support children, parents can provide appropriate assistance and intervention when children ask for help. For example, parents can start the task together with the child and then let go when they see that the child can complete it on their own, rather than completely helping them all the time.

A:As long as the wrong decision will not harm themselves, others, or the environment, we can follow the child’s choice with peace of mind. Even if the decision is wrong, there will be opportunities to practice and learn that different choices can lead to different outcomes.

A:It involves understanding the child’s interests and providing assistance that is genuinely helpful for their development.

A:A prepared environment refers to a meaningful learning space where everything has a purpose and a place, and children can move around and use related items freely. The furniture is lightweight and suitable for children’s size, such as wardrobes, beds, chairs that are suitable for children’s height. The tools are also suitable for children’s small hands, such as water bottles, cups, knives, and forks.

A:Parents can start by objectively observing children’s behavior, language, and interactions with the environment or objects. During the process, they should refrain from intervening and record what they observe. From there, they can understand the child’s development and determine what kind of assistance they can provide to help them grow.