jc brightstart

Baby Information Sharing

Author:  Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui St Thomas’ Child Care Centre 0-12 Months As the baby grows older, their fine- and gross-motor skills gradually improve. Parents can engage in different training and games based on their child’s age to promote coordination and the development of both small and large muscles. From birth to 3 months,

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For Crying Out Loud!

For Crying Out Loud! Is a crying baby a typical phenomenon? A: Yes. This is how babies communicate. How long before seeking medical advice? A: Try the typical soothing mechanisms first. Trust your instincts if your gut is telling you that there is something wrong. Why do babies cry? A: It is their way of

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For Crying Out Loud!

Author: Mel WAGENAAR Educational Psychologist, Teacher and Mother, South Africa If I had a dollar for every time a newly minted young mother asked me: “Is this normal?” I would currently be listening to the ocean, lying on a perfumed beach towel! I do not allow much airtime to the word “normal” in my practice

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Second Language Development in Infants and toddlers: The Role of Parents and Teachers – Public Talk

Thank you for your support! We understand from the previous talk on kindergarten readiness that parents are concerned about children’s learning. Therefore, the JC Bright Start project will launch the third Public Talk to discuss bilingualism of infants and toddlers. We have invited Dr LAU from the Faculty of Education, HKU to lead a discussion

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Story Reading

Story Reading Why is reading at bedtime so important? A: Aside from the apparent, that is helping your child build vocabulary, reading bedtime stories also help parents to set a routine and let the child to calm down after a day of playing and get ready to sleep. Reading stories together in bed can effectively

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Story Reading

Author: Qing LIU Assistant Professor, Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education In this age of civilization, it is already common knowledge for both parents and teachers that story-reading is critical for the upbringing of babies and toddlers. Almost all parents have heard of the wonders reading with your child could bring. Enhancing language development,

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