1000 FAQ

Do our young children possess the 3C abilities?

Do our young children possess the 3C abilities?

A: Character is the cornerstone of success. Only those with good character traits, such as perseverance and diligence, can achieve success in learning and their careers.

A: It is important to start with daily life. Babies and toddlers need to develop good and disciplined habits while enjoying being around people.

A: The use of natural phenomena, the sequence of events, and the cause-and-effect relationships of events enhance infants’ curiosity about their surroundings. Infants are naturally curious, and adults must continue to nurture this curiosity without hindering their development.

A: All are equally important! These three “C’s” together are qualities that can guide us in the face of adversity and remind us that character and scholarship must go hand in hand.

A: Empathy is innate. When a toddler sees their peers crying, they will cry with them. Children from 0 to 3 years old are the fastest learners. Empathy is an expression of feelings that helps us build relationships with others. It can help children form good relationships and feel more confident and secure.

A: Courage is not just an action; it is a state of mind. From an early age, babies and toddlers can build trust and a sense of security with the adults around them, which lays the foundation for their ability to be more open to new experiences and social interactions in the future. This initial step is crucial in fostering courage.

A: Exposure to diverse experiences and environments provides children with a sense of security.

A: Nurturing infants and toddlers from an early age to enjoy exploring, being curious and empathetic, and being open to challenges and difficulties will help them develop strong learning skills.

A: These three “C’s” together (Curiosity, Empathy, Courage) can lead us all to face adversity with courage and develop a life of purpose, love and motivation for them.